Bella Mia

Hair and Beauty Salon

Discover the beauty within yourself.

Bella Mia Salon is located at  670 N. Orlando Ave.Ste. 104, Maitland, FL
Phone: See stylist info for their individual phone numbers.
Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon Bella Mia Salon

Clean, sanitized air!

Bella Mia's air system uses blue light UV purification. Blue light UV kills over 99% of airborne bacteria and viruses. This system also works to eliminate biological, odor and particulate contaminants. Best of all, the blue light UV system is the first to achieve environmental sustainability (UL-2998) by emiting zero ozone and using very little energy.